My Pillow

Inspired by President Russell M. Nelson yesterday, I awoke this morning wondering what I would share today on social media, expressing gratitude. My mind wandered all over the place from my obvious blessings of health and amazing family and friends to the joy of walking barefoot, and finally to the pillow my head lay on. I thought about my pillow and how very much I love it! Then I thought about all the pillows in our home – how many have been packed away for company, and how many I “need” when I sleep. (You know how comforting and sleep-inducing a plethora of pillows is, right?) I remembered nights camping, using whatever I could smoosh together to create a sort of pillow, and how difficult sleep was. Then I imagined a life without pillows. Or mattresses. Or blankets. Or bedrooms. Or homes.

I got up, made my bed, then knelt beside it. When was the last time I expressed gratitude for my pillow? It was probably after my last camping trip a decade or so ago. My prayerful mind wandered to so many other blessings I haven’t expressed gratitude for: clean water, nail clippers, quiet, food choices. I-AM-SO-BLESSED. Anyone reading this is so blessed. Yep, we all have heartache, loss, pain, trials, grief, difficulties … all that stuff. We all have it. But we all have blessings too.

I’m dedicated to using my pillow as a reminder to look for, and express gratitude for blessings. So, at least twice a day, when I lie on my pillow and when I rise from it, I will turn my mind to how blessed I am. I will think on the “little” things, that are not so little for others in the world. I will let my blessings flood my mind so when the hardships try to take over, there will only be room for me to work on them, not to dwell.

Today it’s my pillow that started these recognitions. Tomorrow, when my pillow serves as a reminder, I wonder what little gift will turn me to recognize even more …